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Writer's pictureraquel


Picture: Raquel. Example of a classic camel trousers, with a fresh pink body suit.

Are you proudly bragging about on how sustainable your wardrobe is, because you have not bought new clothes for a long time?

I have seen this many times.

Sure! your wardrobe may be sustainable because it has longevity, but YOU are loosing your freshness and probably those clothes don't represent your personality at all now! You don't need such and such new purchase, right? You already have a version of it.

¿ Eres una de esas personas que presume de lo sostenible que es su armario, sólo por el hecho de que no has comprado ropa en mucho tiempo?

Lo veo muchas veces en clientes.

Claro, tu armario será sostenible, pero TU has perdido frescura y probablemente tu ropa ya no te representa, no saca lo mejor de ti. No necesitas a, b o c, ¿verdad? ya tienes una version de esas prendas te dices.

My job is to promote the creation of a wardrobe that represents you, at as many stages of your life.

The average high street shopper will change their mind about what they like every three months, ( here it comes the wardrobe detox) and the reason for this, is because the high street's job is to create necessity.

Mi trabajo es promocionar la creación de un armario que te represente a ti, en cuantos mas etapas de tu vida, mejor.

El comprador de tiendas de las principales tiendas o high street, cambia de gustos en un promedio de tres meses. Esto es porque el trabajo de las tiendas en cadena, es crear necesidad. Y saber que nos va a gustar mucho antes de que nosotros lo sepamos.

Don't worry, it's not your fault, the system is created that way in purpose.

When I see client's wardrobe, all it was needed was a fresh pair of eyes to pick and choose which pieces are staying and which pieces just need a little refresh, weather is taking the piece to the tailor to give it an upgrade, or buying a more modern version of the same stuff and make it work with the rest of the wardrobe.

No te preocupes, no es tu culpa, el sistema está hecho así a propósito.

Cuando veo el armario de un cliente, todo lo que hacía falta, era un par de ojos que mirasen el armario de una forma diferente, y decidan que se va, y que necesita un poco de frescura, ya sea, llevándolo a arreglar para darle otra forma, o bien comprando sustitutos más modernos de ciertas prendas.

You have changed over the years, even if you don't realise it. Why will your wardrobe stay the same? Let your wardrobe adapt to those changes and help you.

Tu has cambiado a lo largo de los años aunque no te des cuenta. ¿ Por qué tu armario debería ser el mismo?

Deja a tu armario que te ayude a adaptarse a tus cambios.

Nothing is black or white though. You have to choose a few pieces every season to complement what you already have , that is being sustainable, ( as you are not going crazy for the latest trends) and you are being modern too! ( by complementing what you have, with a few fresh purchases) , and guess what? you willl for sure feel much like yourself and glowing much more with confidence!

Nada es blanco o negro. Tienes que elegir algunas piezas cada temporada para complementar lo que ya tienes, eso es ser sostenible, ya que no te vuelves loca por las ùltimas tendencias, y moderna, ya que complementas lo que ya tienes con unas poquitas compras. ¿y adivina qué? te vas a sentir mucho más tu misma, ya lo veras!

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